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RED 552

Understanding IRB Applications in ERICA: New Studies, Amendments and Continuing Review


Lisa Rigtrup
Manager, Operation
Institutional Review Board




About 1.5 hours





This is a REd Asynchronous (online/self-paced) class.

Participants will learn how to navigate and properly answer questions for Institutional Review Board (IRB) Electronic Research Integrity and Compliance Administration (ERICA) applications to ensure a complete and orderly IRB submission.

Types of applications to be explained include the new study application, the amendment application, and the continuing review application including final project reports.

Participants will become familiar with the IRB application process, when it is required to submit each type of application, and how to avoid common mistakes made when completing these applications.

REd Asynchronous classes feature lessons and exercises designed to build competency and increase efficiency. Modules are accessible 24/7 and are all self-paced. All members of the University research community are invited to complete any online classes of interest.

Last Updated: 5/20/24